Fundraise Local - Why fundraise locally?

Why fundraise locally?

Fundraise Local provides a platform for non-profits to raise money while helping their local economies grow.

Popcorn from Indiana. Coffee from Minnesota. Shirts printed in Maryland. Frozen pizza from Illinois.  Overpriced toys directly from China. The list can go on and on. Fundraising efforts seem to focus on making a ‘quick buck’ from any source it can come from regardless of the impact it may have on the local economy.  Fundraise Local puts the focus back into pumping money into local communities, both into small businesses and into non-profits.  Fundraise Local provides a platform for non-profits to raise money while helping their local economies grow.

By partnering with Fundraise Local, links to non-profit supporters can be sent to request they shop from local family-owned businesses versus buying from out-of-state or out of the country businesses.  

Use your imagination; if local non-profits sell gift cards to a local family-owned pizza restaurant instead of selling frozen pizzas from Illinois, how much money would be pumped into your local economy?  How much would those gift cards impact your neighbors who work at that restaurant?  How many new customers could that restaurant acquire for the future?  How many more jobs would be created in that restaurant based on growth at an exponential rate?  Fundraising can be very powerful.  Fundraising locally makes sense for everyone involved.

Unlike most fundraisers, Fundraise Local’s mission does not stop at raising a few dollars for a non-profit.  Our focus is raising the communities we serve to a new level.  We understand the power of small businesses in communities, and we understand non-profit fundraising can drastically impact small businesses utilizing our platform.

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